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meaning in context - Why is 西藏 Tibet but not Xizang in English as are ...
The name 西藏 / Xīzàng is fairly recent.. Both Wikipedia and the Encyclopedia Britannica agree that the name "Tibet" is derived from a different language than Chinese, probably Persian "Tubbat", but that may not be the original source of the name (Wikipedia).

The word for "usually" in Mandarin - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau has long been known as the roof of the world.,*率 bound morpheme,大率如此。 This is usually the case. 素来 always; usually; all along: 他素来不吸烟。 He never smokes. 他素来守法。

names of planets in the solar system 星球
I am curious about the Chinese names of the planets in the solar system. 水星 for Mercury, 金星 for Venus, and so on.

Official place names - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
Is there an official list of place names (esp. for non-Chinese places)? If a bureaucrat or journalist in China is writing about a lesser-known foreign place, how do they determine the characters?

grammar - Meaning of 的 in 我十岁才到的美国 - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
I asked an expert: "Shouldn't "我(是)七点到的学校" be "这(是)我七点到的学校"?" He answered "The first sentence is used for emphasis on the time '7 o'clock'.

What is the implication of 东鄙?
Both passages are from a commentary book Zuo Zhuan composed as of the 4th century BC about history between the 8th and the 5th century BC, during which the fast east region of China was enfeoffed to nobility who were not direct offspring of the king's ancestor and thus considered not as noble as those controlling core feuds close to the capital ruled by the king.

Chinese transliterated place names
I am looking for a database of place names which would be non-Chinese place names listing their transliteration into Chinese. When I view Google Maps on my iPhone with the phone language set to Chi...

Standardisation of place names in Chinese
I have asked a similar question about the standardisation of Chinese places names. A previous question talked about how governments are able to give the official place names (for example: 星加坡 vs 新加...




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